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at [email protected]
to the Valley House Website.Please feel free to look around it. We are still developing the site and would be very interested in your feedback or any ideas you have for improving it. Please go to ‘Contact Us’ for the email link to let us know.
Opened in 1977, Valley House is a multi service agency operating from its community campus at the Navigation Centre in Courthouse Green in the deprived North East part of the city and serves the people of Coventry as well as its local community.
Our Mission Statement.
“Valley House believes that given the right opportunities and support, each of us would wish to develop our potential and take control of the quality and independence of our lives. Valley House puts these beliefs into action by developing services that meet individual aspirations through partnership working with individuals, families and their communities.”

Our Navigation Centre and Community Garden Campus offers a comprehensive range of services to Valley House’s users and the local community in general. The Centre & Campus contain our Computer Room, extensive Children’s Services, a beautiful community garden (developed in association with Groundwork) a range of training suites, various community and service user activities, as well as some of the organisation’s offices. It is a busy place!
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Valley House services include:
- Supported Accommodation – Domestic Violence and Abuse. For anyone experiencing or have recently experienced domestic violence and abuse, including children.
- Supported Accommodation – Teenage Parents. For teenage parents or expectant mothers between the age of 16 – 20.
- Emergency Accommodation – offers safe overnight accommodation for women/women and their children who are escaping domestic violence and abuse and for teenage parents.
- Floating Support Services for teenage parents and expectant mothers between the ages of 16 -25 and for homeless families who need support to obtain/sustain their own tenancy.
- Children’s Centre The Children’s Centre opened in June 2006 following 18 months of building work to the nursery which is based at the rear of the Navigation Centre.
- Services for children, young people and families to enable them to feel valued, optimistic and self-confident in their family and community
- A Young Person’s Project offering services to young people including young parents to develop their confidence, independence and educational and employability potential
- Personal and vocational training and education to enable people to recognise and build upon their existing strengths and develop new skills.
- Counselling and Pre-Counselling Support Service to enable individuals to look at the personal issues that may be affecting their ability to be more fully self-sustaining
- The Navigation Centre which offers the community a range of facilities, advice and drop in.
Valley House staff specialise in a range of disciplines including Social Work, Children’s Work, Housing, Training and Education, Counselling, DVA, Young people and Community work.
Valley House values its staff and prides itself in offering quality supervision, individual training packages and professional development opportunities.
Our community and volunteering history continues to be central to the organisation’s values and ethos. Volunteers form a key part of our ability to offer both a community based local service as well as a city wide service to people.
Opportunities for local people including employment and volunteering are a continuous aspect of all our services.
We offer effective partnership working and self-empowerment to everyone using our services. We do this by working with the community and particularly hard-to-reach disadvantaged families, individuals and groups in a complementary and collaborative manner in response to their differing needs. Users are usually those most often excluded from mainstream provision and have complex needs. We seek to identify emerging vulnerabilities, prevention/early intervention strategies and an integrated approach to service provision to break cycles of individual and family crisis, family breakdown and underachievement and thereby enable both adults and children to feel valued, to address the practical and emotional aspects of their lives, to recognise and build upon their strengths, and to achieve sustainable and independent lives as active citizens in their communities. We also work constructively with all other relevant agencies, both voluntary and statutory, including Health , Social Care, Housing, Police and Education, to maximise services to meet service users’ needs and aspirations and to contribute to statutory responsibilities and the city’s strategies.
Valley House 55-57 Bell Green Road Coventry CV6 7GQ Tel: 02476 266 280 E-mail: [email protected]
Company Limited by Guarantee Reg No. 3593394. Registered Charity No. 1074539